If you have already completed your Personal, Workshop or Online Diary Detox® (see http://DiaryDetox.com), the Diary Detox® App provides a simple, interactive way to complete your Weekly Diary Detox® and keep annoying interruptions to a minimum using the Spot Diary Detox®.
*) Set your regular time for completing your Weekly Diary Detox® and the app will remind you every week when it’s time to get that day back in your diary every week.
*) Set your target percentages for Green, Amber and Red time to see how you’re comparing during your Weekly Diary Detox®.
*) Set your target number of work-hours per week.
*) Capture all of your Diary Detox® Targets, a fundamental part of your Weekly Diary Detox®.
*) Follow the audio instructions to ensure your Diary Detox® Targets are complete.
*) Capture sub-activities within your Diary Detox® Targets.
*) Designate your accountability and responsibility for each Diary Detox® Target.
Weekly Diary Detox®:
*) Follow the video and audio instructions that will lead you, step by step, through your Weekly Diary Detox®.
*) Find out how many hours you're REALLY working and what impact it could be having on your well-being.
*) Head into your weekend completely relaxed, safe in the knowledge that everything in your diary for the coming week is there waiting for you.
Spot Diary Detox®:
*) Follow the five Diary Detox® Steps each time you’re interrupted to ensure that you keep those annoying calls upon your time to a minimum.